JFGM Colors is our new Recycling Program! Its main goal is to create waste into colorful art. 

We’ll be collecting plastic bottles from our visitors and paper utilized in our offices to make installation art with the help of the Craft Club and you!

If you’d like to help us out, you are more than welcome to do so on our Free Tuesdays! (the 3rd Tuesday of every month). 


You can help just by placing your plastic bottles in our collecting bins located at the Upper Garden!

There are 2 locations:

*By the Upper Garden’s Koi Pond.

*By the Fujidana

1,000 Recycled Plastic Bottle Art Installation

Come help us collect 1,000 plastic bottles in order to create a beautiful installation of JFGM’s koi! And fear not about the caps! They will also be used to make a piece of art! Photos will be posted as we continue to make progress.