The Japanese Friendship Garden and Museum is excited to be hosting a Toy Drive for the month of November! We will be accepting new & unwrapped toy donations at our Admission Gate until November 30th. All donations go to Toys for Tots.

* Handmade toys, food, stuffed animals, and toy weapons will not be accepted.

Planning to attend the JFG Holiday Market on Tuesday, November 18th? Gifts can also be dropped off at the JFGM gift wrapping station during your visit!


The mission of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is to assist the U. S. Marine Corps in providing a tangible sign of hope to economically disadvantaged children at Christmas. This assistance includes providing day-to-day leadership and oversight of the Program, raising funds to provide toys to supplement the collections of local Toys for Tots Campaigns, to provide promotional and support material and defray the costs of conducting annual Toys for Tots Campaigns. Other Foundation support includes providing administrative, advisory, financial, logistic and promotional support to local Toys for Tots Coordinators; managing funds raised and monies donated based on the use of Toys for Tots name or logo; providing other support the Marine Corps, as a federal agency, cannot provide; and conducting public education and information programs about Toys for Tots that call the general public to action in support of this patriotic community action program.

Click here for more information on programs led by Toys for Tots