Shodo is a combination of calligraphy writing and zen enlightenment (Ku and Mu). During these classes, students will learn Japanese and basic stroke skills and brush techniques to write beautiful letters.

No experience necessary - beginner and advanced students are welcome!

Supplies are included

Date: Sunday, January 26th

Time: 10:00am-11:00am

Location: Upper Garden | Education Center

Fee: $25 JFG Members | $30 Non-members (per session) | Garden Admission Included

*Refunds can be given 7 days or more before the program.

Meet the Instructor: Harumi Osawa, Befu Calligraphy

Harumi has a dual certification - Okuden from the school of Kenroku and certification of Shihan authorizing her to have her own branch of “Nihon Shodo Kenkyu Kai (Shoken)”.

Harumi’s roots in Shodo started at the age of 5 where she learned her family’s school, Kenroku. She would become an assistant teacher in high school for writing techniques based on major classical scripts. She started Kashu’s California branch and currently teaches seminars at Japanese schools and college Japanese clubs. She has 15 years of teaching experience in San Diego and over 40 total years of teaching and introducing shodo.