
Date & Time: Last Sunday of the Month | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Fee: $15 JFG Members, $20 Non-members

*Class is held indoors due to rain or inclement weather.

氣功 Qi Gong (pronounced chee gong) loosely translates from Chinese as "Breath Work" and consists of Sound, Visualization, Breathing, and Postures/Movements. It is designed to assist you with increasing your vital energy, thereby improving your health and well-being. Simple and easy to learn. This is a wonderful tool to complement any healing modality. Anyone can learn to practice Qigong regardless of age or ability. Please bring a yoga mat or blanket and pillow and/or anything else to be comfortable while laying down.

In this class You will learn how to use Breath Work to:

  • Nourish & relax your body

  • Feel & attune your spirit

  • Calm & sharpen your mind

  • Hone & augment your self care practices

Water and food are integral to health. Breath is essential...harmonize and balance your whole being with Qi Gong.

*** Please note that refunds or credits will not be given less than 7 days before the class. 


Meet the Instructor: Shophar Graves

Shophar is a Breath Poet & author who has been on a journey with 氣功 Qi Gong for over 20 years. He helps People Become Aware of the Rhythm & Rhyme of their Inhale & Exhale.